
Icing Paparazzi - this time with swatches

While browsing my stash, found Paparazzi and shared some bottle pictures in case anyone was interested in swatches.  Not the best shots, I'm using my old camera again, but are decent enough to give you an idea on how this polish looks.
The only thing I don't love about this polish is that is a topcoat gusher.  Due to the dense packed glitter it dries gritty (but not bumpy or uneven), I did two heavy coats of topcoat to make it super smooth.

blurry on purpose.  at night sparkles even more!

Hope you enjoy this brief glitter intervention :)

PS: don't forget about my giveaway!


Jossie, Pinkbeauty said...

la foto del espejo me mato! bella!!!

Lizzy O. said...

She's gorgeous!

roxanne acevedo said...

gracias! esa salio por accidente. queria ver si de ese angulo habia buena iluminacion y tome esa de prueba; pero resulto de lo mas cool

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